Moving Forward. Making a Difference.

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Contact us: by email at
or call RIOTA voicemail at (401) 345-8356

For advertising info
(job or continuing education postings) click on
Advertise with RIOTA


Advertising with RIOTA: Paid Ads

Advertise your conference, seminar, job postings and more on our website, through email and in RIOTA NEWS (RIOTA’s newsletter).

Step 1: Ad Sizes
Decide what size ad you would like to purchase.  Ads are based on letter size (8 ½ X 11 inches). Character (no spaces) and word counts are used as guidelines as the size of the ad also depends on whether you have a logo or header in the ad as well. PDF ads sent to RIOTA can be enlarged or minimized to fit ad size within reason.

Small Ad (Quarter page)- $75
up to 500 characters or 75 words

Medium Ad (Half page) - $100
500-1250 characters or 75-150 words

Large Ad (Full page) - $150
1250+ characters or 150+ words
An additional $25 is charged for posting in the Fall newsletter.

Ad prices include posting on the website, email blast to members and newsletter should your ad meet newsletter deadlines.  If you would like to advertise at conference please go to our conference page.  

Step 2: Contact RIOTA
Email Rachel at with:

  • Ad information, logos or predesigned ads
  • Ad size you would like to purchase. If you are unsure, we are more than welcome to help you figure out the best size ad to meet your needs
  • Contact information including email for the bill
  • Any additional questions/requests after reading our FAQ's below

Step 3: Payment
You will then receive an email with the bill attached.  Send your payment (checks only) along with the bill to the address on the bill.

Step 4: Ad Posting
Once payment is received your ad will be promptly posted on the website and an email blast will be sent out to members.  Your ad will be included in the next newsletter should you choose to post in the newsletter. A receipt of payment will then be sent to you.


FAQ’s About Advertising

What methods of payment do you accept?  RIOTA accepts checks only. Sorry we are unable to process credit cards.

How many RIOTA members are there?  Approximately 200.

Why is there an additional cost for posting in the Fall newsletter?  In September, we have our membership drive and the Fall newsletter gets mailed out to all licensed occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants in the State, which averages about 800 therapists.  Our Spring and Winter newsletters are emailed out to members only.

Where do I send the payment?  Payments are sent directly to the advertising chair in order to keep track of payments/postings. This address is included on the bottom of your bill.  Please do not send  payments to our PO box as this can significantly delay posting of your ad. 

Why do ads need to be prepaid?  RIOTA receives many inquiries for advertising and at times companies request ads but do not send payments to us.  To avoid this we require payment prior to posting the ad.  This may be flexible if we have a prior working relationship with you and payment has been prompt in the past.

Can you fill out a W-9 form for payment?  Yes, please send this request to and allow additional time for this.

How long are ads posted on the website?   3 months for job postings and through the date of the event for continuing education positing.

Are there different costs for advertising a la cart (choosing to advertise on just the website, newsletter or via email)? No, there is one inclusive price to advertise with RIOTA. Should you choose all three (newsletter, website and email blast to members) or pick and choose. Please be aware of newsletter deadlineson our RIOTA News page.







RIOTA Announcements

RIOTA is accepting posters and in need of vendors for our 3rd Annual Conference on May 14th, 2011!

Want to get involved? Consider volunteering for RIOTA's board? Check out our board page for empty positions. For more information, email