Moving Forward. Making a Difference.

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Contact us: by email at
or call RIOTA voicemail at (401) 345-8356

For advertising info
(job or continuing education postings) click on
Advertise with RIOTA




Newsletter Deadlines:
RIOTA NEWS is published 3 times per year & distributed to almost 200 Occupational Therapy Practitioners. Deadlines for submissions are:

July 15 for Fall Newsletter
(mailed out by mid August)

January 15 for Winter Newsletter
(emailed by mid February)

May 1 for Spring Newsletter
(emailed by end of May)

No Summer Newsletter


Advertising Costs:
The cost for advertisement includes posting on the website, email to members and posting in the newsletter should your ad meet the deadline. The Fall newsletter is mailed out to all licensed OT's in Rhode Island.

Winter and Spring Newsletter postings:
1/4 PAGE AD- $75
1/2 PAGE AD- $100

Fall Newsletter postings:
1/4 PAGE AD- $100
1/2 PAGE AD- $125

Please see our advertising page for more detailed information on placing an ad.

Click the links below to view past newsletters (PDF files):

Fall 2010
Spring 2010
Winter 2010

Fall 2009
Spring 2008
Winter 2008
Fall 2007



RIOTA Announcements

RIOTA is accepting posters and in need of vendors for our 3rd Annual Conference on May 14th, 2011!

Want to get involved? Consider volunteering for RIOTA's board? Check out our board page for empty positions. For more information, email