Moving Forward. Making a Difference.

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President’s Message

Dear Fellow Members,

Summer is winding down and autumn is on its way!  The new school year is around the corner and we  receive the kind gift of a fresh start- a new year for RIOTA!  When starting a new year, it is helpful to look back at the previous year to identify our successes but also look at areas where we can do better!
In looking back over the last year, I would like to personally thank the RIOTA board for their tireless work and dedication to the organization over the last year. They balanced work, their personal lives, and professional volunteering with RIOTA. Volunteering for RIOTA takes time, energy and enthusiasm. Their hard work makes it possible to meet the needs of the organization; I could not do this job with out them It has been a pleasure working with you all. Along with hard work we have enjoyed quite a few good laughs. Thank you for all of your efforts.
There are several board members I would like to recognize individually:

  • Trish McGee, has served two consecutive terms as secretary for RIOTA.  Her term has ended and we are very grateful for all your hard work as secretary over these past 4 years and look forward to continuing to work with you as the Educational Coordinator.
  • Lisa Edwards, has served as the RIOTA representative to the AOTA Representative Assembly (RA) over the last three years.  She has represented us well, providing Rhode Island AOTA members with a voice during all voting initiatives that AOTA presented to the RA at national conference.  We wish you best of luck on your next endeavors!
  • Ann Harwood & Erin Sullivan, have served as the Pediatric SIG Co-Chairs over the last two years. They have worked tirelessly to provide up to date, evidence-based, and occupation based educational sessions.  Thank you both for your hard work! Erin we are happy that you have decided to continue on as the nominations chair for the 2010-2011 RIOTA Board. Ann we look forward to hearing about your future endeavors.
  • Sue Kobus served as the newsletter editor for the past year, we appreciate your fresh perspective and new ideas on the newsletter. Thank you for your service to RIOTA!
  • Sue Higgins, has served as the RIOTA treasurer for three years.  She is leaving her term early to take on new endeavors with AOTA. We appreciate her hard work and dedication over her three years of service and wish her luck in her new position at AOTA with the Commission on Education.

Here are some of the great things our organization has accomplished over the last year:

  • An increase in the number of continuing education meeting hours
  • Updating the Bylaws to achieve cost savings and efficiency
  • RIOTA worked to further develop and expand our relationship with Rebuilding Together
  • Continue to monitor state and federal legislation impacting the practice of occupational therapy in RI
  • Represented Rhode Island at National Conference
  • Maintained cost of membership despite national trends to increase membership
  • Achieved financial stability 
  • Increasing opportunities for members to volunteers and get involved

Just like any group, nothing is perfect, here are some of the areas we can work on making better, which is completely possible. First, we can   increase our membership and involvement at both the state and national levels. Our organization serves as a support for the work we all do   everyday, this can be stronger by holding both state and national memberships.  We are all overwhelmed with life demands including work and personal responsibilities, it is a constant challenge to get through the day in one piece (Does this sound familiar to anyone?). I personally struggle with how to achieve all the daily demands of life in a 24 hour period!  Having said that I can not stress enough the importance of professional membership! It is imperative that we all join together and become members of RIOTA and AOTA.  The benefits of membership at the state and national level are numerous, including: networking, continuing education, and advocacy!
During a period of hyper-change in health care there is safety in numbers. Past Presidents of RIOTA, including myself, have talked about the fear we have surrounding the future of our profession as well as the need for grassroots advocacy to represent occupational therapists. Whether you work in the area of mental health, early intervention, school systems, private practice, acute care, skilled nursing, long term care, or an  emerging practice area policy changes are coming which can impact our practice.  The trends in Federal and State policy, in the midst of these tough     economic times, have the potential for significant funding cutbacks which can impact who we serve, how, and when we treat our clients, as well as the potential for other professionals to encroach on our practice.
Of the many issues that we need to pay attention to, here are several key issues:

  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has proposed cuts to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule - which will cut funding to occupational therapy services under the physician fee schedule.
  • State budgets across the country are being cut, including Medicaid budgets!  This can impact service provision across the lifespan for those receiving service through Medicaid
  • Other professions continue to put forth legislation across the country which infringes upon what we as occupational therapy practitioners

I used to read about these changes and think to myself, well what can I do, I am only one person?  I have learned one person can do a lot!  Actions that you can take to help address these issues impacting out practice- FIRST BECOME A RIOTA MEMBER AND AN AOTA MEMBER.  Both AOTA and RIOTA have individual advocating for our profession at the state and national level when legislation is being proposed which may impact our practice. Your membership helps make that possible!  Second, get involved.  In the Spring newsletter I challenged each and every OT practitioner in the state to give two hours to RIOTA over the next 365 days.  Giving just two hours to the profession can make a difference.  Third, contact your legislators, regarding the policy issues impacting out practice.  The most important thing I have learned when meeting with Policy makers is that they need the patient stories, they have staff that give them the latest research on the legislation, but they need to hear the patient stories,- that is what you can contribute!  You can tell them about the patient that you work with, who is their constituent, and how this new  legislation will impact their quality of life, function, or ability to achieve independence.  AOTA has a whole section on their website for members on how to communicate with legislators and how to be effective in sharing stories about your patients and your practice!! Membership does work!
In a shift from activism, a “You can do it!” to exciting beginnings let me introduce the newest members of  RIOTA Board along with our newly elected Vice President and Secretary.

  • Deb Bertwell the interim RIOTA treasurer role
  • Amy Battles-Borkowski has been appointed by AOTA to serve as the RI AOTA RA rep.
  • Stacey Lehrer and Michaela Turbitt  are our new Pediatric special interest group Co-Chairs.
  • Brett Brumbaugh has been elected Vice President
  • Keri Kinniburgh Secretary

There are many opportunities to get involved with RIOTA, either on a short term one time project basis, one year basis, or on a two year term basis.  Come join us! Each and everyone one of you has great ideas, talent and wonderful energy! Contact me with questions about getting    involved!
We have an exciting year ahead!  Check the RIOTA website regularly for updates on monthly meetings and please feel free to come to the monthly board meetings!!  Board meetings are open to the membership and we welcome your attendance!

Happy Fall!

Natalie Leland PhD, OTR/L, BCG
President of RIOTA


RIOTA Announcements

RIOTA is accepting posters and in need of vendors for our 3rd Annual Conference on May 14th, 2011!

Want to get involved? Consider volunteering for RIOTA's board? Check out our board page for empty positions. For more information, email